Pos Questions

Sent: Friday, 28 October 2011 10:07 AM
Subject: Surprised or shoked

Did you find out anything about your son or daughter that surprised or
shocked you, after s/he died? If so, what and how did you find out. How do you
feel about it now?

About two weeks after Sam died, i found out that he owed money to a local gang and they were planning on coming to try to get the money from my husband and i. We put the word out that the police were involved and our house was flagged and i think this put them off. It was horrible because David (my husband) had just gone back to work and i was at home alone terrified! not to mention not wanting to think Sam had been in that sort of trouble and how scared he must have felt.

And did you find out anything that surprised or shocked you about yourself?
If so, what, and how did you find out?
How do you feel about it now?

I like Cyndi, spent my whole life thinking that if anything ever happened to one of my babies i wouldn't survive, that i would just die from the pain. I remember at about 1am ( i found Sam at 5.30pm) being in my room and suddenly realising my baby had died and i was still alive. I was shocked and angry with god because i wish that what i had thought was true and i hadn't survived. I later wrote on my blog that i know i will survive but somedays i wish i hadn't and this is shocking to me as i have 5 other children to take care of and i am known as the women that always looks on the bright side of life. 4 months later nothing much has changed.